Opportunity to vend during luncheon (*Up to two times, depending on availability)
As a luncheon vendor we'd like for you to donate an opportunity prize valued at $20
Monthly mention on social media
Mention will include a Facebook tag
Link provided for business website
This link will lead to main business page
Link cannot be changed once it is listed
All regular individual membership benefits
Business Logos
Logos will be hyperlinked to website / social media provided
Only business logos provided will be included
For MLM businesses, only the official logo
MLM businesses will be limited to three per MLM company (first come-first served)
Additional Information:
If there is a business that operates outside of Fort Huachuca, they can also apply for membership, but they must have permission to operate on Fort Huachuca if they would like to vend at our monthly social membership meetings.
Business members that do not have permission to operate on Fort Huachuca, are welcome to have an information table at the social. No sales will be permitted by this vendor/organization.
Approved vendors are permitted to share business cards and samples at events
Any businesses that have permission to operate on post can purchase a business membership for FHCSC. This includes all MLM businesses.
Business membership includes (1) membership, additional partners must purchase a regular membership.