The FHCSC has a monthly social membership meeting each month. This is our one time to get together as members and guests to officially meet, have fun, learn, and make new friends. Our Fort Huachuca Community benefits most of all.
We hope you'll join us!
-After making a reservation (YES RSVP) for an FHCSC social membership meeting, you will be responsible for payment of any missed luncheon that is not cancelled by the reservation deadline. Monthly social membership meeting reservaation deadline is 3 pm the Friday before a social membership meeting. No exceptions.
- At any social membership meeting, parents of children six months and older should utilize childcare, unless otherwise specified. Babies under six months are welcome to attend.
Please RSVP by clicking button below and filling in the form. You will then be prompted to pay via Paypal or may pay in person at the social membership meeting with Cash, Check or Credit. All PayPal and Credit transactions incur a $1 processing fee. Please remember that if you do not cancel at by deadline, you will be responsible for full payment even if you do not attend. Thank you for understanding.
Our Ways & Means table will be filled with fantastic Fort Huachuca and Arizona themed items for your shopping pleasure. We will also have club t-shirts available for purchase. Please make sure to bring cash or card for purchases.